Cultural Activities

Cultural Activities:

At St. Gonsalo Garcia college, we believe that social and cultural events support the academic objectives to chisel overall personalities of students. These events facilitate students to work with a distinct goal, with precise plan, with dedicated sense of responsibility and with definite and explicit budget. Students comprehend the significance of teamwork and hitches associated with it. These learnings prove vital to adjust sails in order to navigate rough storms of tomorrow.

Cultural activities are carefully planned to celebrate the varied festivals and rich diversity of our society. The College encourages students to take part in various university and inter- collegiate competitions.

Cultural mosaic of varied celebrations and activities creates fond memories which the Garciates can reminisce when they ponder about the college days.

Objectives of Cultural Activities:

  • To give students a platform to identify, foster and showcase their talent
  • To compliment academic activities in attaining all round personality development of students
  • To create a healthy environment which can boost the learning outcomes

Cultural Policy (Click Here) 

Committee Members:

  • Prof. Dr. Somnath Vibhute
  • Prof. Monica Penkar
  • Prof. Sebastian Rebello
  • Prof. Priya Farel
  • Prof. Rubina D’mello
  • Prof. Macnoble D’cruz
  • Prof. Mildred Karki

Event Photos:
