- The St. Dominic savio Scholarship for general proficiency at the F.Y.B.A.
- The Rev. Fr. Philip D’Cunha Scholarship for general proficiency at the F.Y.B.A.
- Rt. Rev. Bishop Ignatius D’Cunha Scholarship for highest marks in English at the F.Y.B.A.
- The St. Maria goretti Scholarship for general proficiency at the
- The St. Gonsalo Garcia Scholarship for general proficiency at the S.Y.B.A.
- The St. Francis Xavier Scholarship & Prices.
- For general proficiency at the
- Standing 1st in T.Y.B.A university exam.
- The late Mr. Augustine D’mello Prize for standing 1st in T.Y.B.A university exam.
- The late Mingel & Janoo Lopes Prize for securing percentage in T.Y.B.A, / University exam.
- The St Ignatius Loyola Centenary prize for the highest marks in history at the T.Y.B.A University exam.
- The Late Ms. Shabana Makani Prize for the highest marks in history at the T.Y.B.A University exam.
- The pandita Ramabai Prize for the Best Female Student.
- The Xavier Centenary Prize for the highest marks in 3 accounts papers at the University Exam.
- The Special Economics Prizes for the highest marks in Economics at the T.Y.B.A. University Exam.
- The Blaise D’Mello Computer Prize for the highest in Computer System & Application at the Exam.
- The S.Y.B.Com.Accounting Schoarship For the highest marks in Accounta st the Exam.
- Late Sr.Annie D’Sliva Prize to a lecturer for regular & punctual attendance in college.
- Adv.Peter Sequeira Scholarship for Business Law for the highest marks in Business Law at the Exam.
- Gabriel & Anna D’Mello Scholarship Standing First in T.Y.B.A University Exam.
- Regin & Joanna D’Mello Scholarship Standing First In University Exam.
- Late Prof.Bahanan Abraham Scholarship for
- Highest marks in Advertising at the Exam
- Highest marks in Management and Human Resources Development at the University Exam
Other Scholarships & Free Studentships
GOI Scholarship for SC/ST/DT/NT/SBC/OBC Student
GOI Scholarship for student of Non-Hindi speaking states.
Merit Scholarship to children of Primary & Secondary teacher
Free Studentship
- Economically Backward class Free studentship
- Free Studentship of Primary & Secondary School Teacher
- Free Studentship to B.C. Student
- Educational concession to children, wives, widows of Defence service personal